Leveraging Representation Engineering For LLM’s In-Context-Learning

We present a method to observe model internals whether LLMs are performing in-context learning and control the model outputs based on such Context Vectors.


Emerging capabilities in deep neural networks are not well understood, one of which is the concept of “in-context learning” (ICL), a phenomenon where the a Large Language Model (LLM)’s understanding of the prompt and ability to answer accordingly drastically increases after being shown some examples that answer the question. Evaluating in-context learning and understanding why the behavior happens is both an interesting theoretical research question and a practical question that informs directions to conduct research that further advances LLM capabilities by, say, exploiting more of in-context learning.

We attempt to explore the phenomenon of in-context learning by leveraging another exciting field of work on mechanistic interpretability where researchers set out to understand model behaviors by interpreting and editing internal weights in models. One such work that we base on is Representation Engineering by Zou et al. (2023) , where they construct a set of training text stimuli to probe LLM activations and use such stimuli to identify a direction that accurately predicts the underlying concept based on the neural activations of the model. This approach allows us to elicit readings of representation and control such representation.

We propose to use methods in Zou et al. (2023) to evaluate in-context learning. There has not been previous attempts to examine the model internals holistically in a LLM while it is performing in-context learning. We expose such neural activations by constructing stimulus through artificial examples of in-context learning on binary classication tasks. We find a reading vector that shows high neural activity after the model is stimulated with the context pairs; such a “Context Vector” indicates the context the models draws from. While we hoped to find certain universal mechanisms across different datasets, we find that the Context Vector is dataset-specific and confirm previous hypotheses that in-context learning retrieves information from different parts of the model’s latent space.

We then explore the results of controlling the activations along the “Context Vector” direction, in the hope that editing the activitions would further boost the performance on top of in-context learning. We compare the model outputs on the classification datasets in a zero-shot setting and a setting of natural in-context learning, with the “Context Vector” amplified, and suppressed. While we find boosting performance through such editing to be challenging and sometimes finicky to tune, we find the results to be promising on editing weights to suppress the context that the model draws from and drastically reducing the performance.

Background & Related Work

In-Context Learning (ICL)

An LLM is frequently aseked to perform a task in inference time that many realized providing some examples of how to answer the task can drastically improve the model’s performance. This phenomenon is called in-context learning. For example, Zhou et al. (2022) evaluates how LLM can become better at solving algorithmic problems through in-context learning, a task that LLM traditionally struggles at.

In other scenarios, the LLM does not need to rely on prompts at all and can deduce the pattern from the few-shot examples alone to predict the answer. While there is no universal definition of in-context learning and its meaning has shifted over time, we define it as the performance boost to answer questions based on a limited amount of examples (as the context).

Interesting, Min et al. (2022) observes that such ICL phenonemon is observed as long as examples are given, and a mismatch between input and output pairs would not hinder the ability of models performing ICL and thus its performance on the tasks. Wei et al. (2023) further corrobates this work by finding on small models but show that as models scale, the ability to pick up on flipped patterns when given in-context examples with flipped labels and override semantic priors is stronger.

Theories on why ICL happens

While the concept of ICL is well studied, the underlying mechanism of ICL is not well understood. Xie et al. (2022) explains the phenomenon of ICL as an Implicit Bayesian Inference, where the in-context learning prompt serves as a stimulus for the model to go “locate” corresponding concept stored in the model’s latent space that the LM has learned implicitly during pre-training. They study this by generating a simple pretraining distribution that parameterizes the transition of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and another prompting distribution. In this setting, the authors reduce the ICL task to Bayesian inference to map the prompting distribution to the pretraining distribution.

Akyürek et al. (2022) further explains that Transformer-based in-context learners implement standard learning algorithms implicitly by encoding smaller models modularized to perform each specific tasks and update them based on the new in-context exampless. von Oswald et al. (2023) claims that Transformer-based in-context learners is similar to gradient-based meta-learning formulations where they found that the Transformer can learn smaller models of a certain concept by gradient descent in their forward pass.

Furthermore, Olsson et al. (2022) draws parallel from ICL to a more understood phenomenon of Induction Head, where attention-only Transformers picks up on the algorithm to predict next tokens by searching for a previous occurance of the last token and copying the same next token from previous occurences. They claim that this can be a potential mechanism to explain ICL.

While many hypotheses and theories have been proposed to explain ICL, most explorations to prove their theory has been small in scale, and the literature lacks a study on the large-scale LMs’ internals when performing ICL.

Model Editing & Representation Engineering

We’ll use the Representation reading and controls methods presented in Zou et al. (2023) to understand the context where the model attends to and discover directions that indicate such reasoning.

Relatedly, there have been a recent surge in research related to model knowledge editing, including Meng et al. (2023) , Zhong et al. (2023) , and Hernandez et al. (2023) that demonstrate different methods for locating and editing factual associations. Other work, including Shao et al. (2023) and Belrose et al. (2023) , have shown results on erasing larger-scale memory units such as concepts. Li et al. (2023) applies such concept erasion techniques by conducting Inference Time Interference, where one can find a direction of causal influence on “truthfulness” data and increase the activations along that direction to increase truthfulness, scoring better on the TruthfulQA dataset.

Experiment Setup


We adopt a total of 30 datasets on binary classification, (sentiment analysis, natural language inference, true/false inference) and multiple choices; 16 datasets are used by Min et al. (2022) , plus 12 extra datasets in the tweet_eval and ethos dataset families, rotten_tomatoes, and ade_corpus_v2-classification. Following Min et al. (2022), we only use the test set to avoid potential cross-contamination with the data that the model is pretrained on. reserve k=64 examples in the test for few-shot training, and the rest are used for testing.

Training Data Generation

For training, we construct a set of context pairs for each dataset, each context pairs containing the same examples but different instructions. The instructions are “Pay attention to the following examples” and “Ignore the following examples” respectively, in the hope that by stimulating two opposites and examining the difference, we can find a Context Vector that represents what the model draws from. We then truncate the example at each and every token till the last 5 tokens, so we can get a neural activation reading for each of the tokens.

A sample training data input using the rotten_tomatoes dataset is as follows:

[INST] Pay attention to the following examples: [/INST]

offers that rare combination of entertainment and education.


a sentimental mess that never rings true .


[INST] Ignore the following examples: [/INST]

offers that rare combination of entertainment and education.


a sentimental mess that never rings true .


Each context pair is identical except for the instructions. We use the context pairs to stimulate the model to learn the context and use the context vector to control the model’s behavior.

Testing Data Generation

For testing data, we use 3 input-labels pairs as the prompt, with the first two pairs serving as the in-context examples, and the last pair serving as the question that we actually want to test on, obfuscating the label from the prompt.

A sample testing data input using the rotten_tomatoes dataset is as follows:


[INST] offers that rare combination of entertainment and education. [/INST]


[INST] a sentimental mess that never rings true . [/INST]


an odd , haphazard , and inconsequential romantic comedy .




We have explored using two models with 7 billion parameters, including Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0. and Llama-2-7b-hf; while we have found preliminary results consistent between the two models, all of our results later reported are from Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0 for consistency and due to a constraint on computational power and time.

Training Infrastructure

We used the MIT Supercloud infrastructure and a local machine with a single RTX 4090 GPU to train the model.


We present results first on finding the Context Vector in the embedding space, then on using the Context Vector to control model outputs and evaluate their performance.

Representation Reading

We use the Representation Reading method presented in Zou et al. (2023) to find the Context Vector. Specifically, we adopted the setup of the instruction response pairs where for a given function $f$ and pairs of instructions $x_i$ and $y_i$, we denote the model’s response truncated at the $j$-th token as $f(x_i)_j$ and $f(y_i)_j$ and take the neuron activity at the last token of each of the responses, namely the activations of each and every token in the response.

We then perform PCA on the difference of the activations of the two instructions, namely $f(x_i)_j - f(y_i)_j$ and find the first principal component $v$ that maximizes the difference in the embedding space.

Graph plotting the correlation between the Context Vector sign and actual dataset label on Rotten Tomatoes dataset. The x-axis is the layer and the y-axis is the correlation.

More surprisingly is the fact that we can find a clean representation of such Context Vector that correlates decently with the model inputs.

We use t-SNE to visualize the difference in the embedding space on the inputs of the 30 datasets across 32 different layers and report the results below.

t-SNE plot of the embedding space of the Context Vectors across the 30 datasets and 32 layers, color coded by dataset.
t-SNE plot of the embedding space of the Context Vectors across the 30 datasets and 32 layers, color coded by layers.

As shown in the figure, we find that the vectors are clustered by dataset, indicating that the Context Vectors are dataset-specific. There are no clear patterns across dataset or between different layers of the Context Vectors, further indicating that in-context learning activates different parts of the model’s latent space with information about different types of tasks.

We also conducted scans for neuron activities in the Context Vector across the different tokens of an example sequence in a similar style as Zou et al. (2023) , for which the previous work has referred to as Linear Artificial Tomography (LAT) scans.

The following are the LAT scans for the neuron activities corresponding to a Context Vector trained on rotten_tomatoes sentiment analysis dataset evaluated on different dataset sequences. The following graphs further corroborate the findings above on the dataset-specificity of in-context learning; while the a sequence from the rotton_tomatoes dataset result in high neural activities for the Context Vector, most sequences from the other dataset do not, showing the uniqueness of such Context Vector. We have also observed most of the neuron activities in the later layers. This phenomenon makes sense since more abstract concepts and semantic structures formulate in later layers, thus being more correlated with the Context Vector, while earlier layers pick up more on token-level abstractions.

A LAT scan of the Context Vector trained on `rotten_tomatoes` dataset evaluated with a `rotten_tomatoes` sequence. The x-axis is the token index, and the y-axis is the Layer number. More red indicates higher neural activities, and more blue indicates lower neural activities.
A LAT scan of the Context Vector trained on `rotten_tomatoes` dataset evaluated with a `medical_questions_pair` sequence.
A LAT scan of the Context Vector trained on `rotten_tomatoes` dataset evaluated with a `ethos-religion` sequence.

We have also produced graphs that zoom into the token-level neural activities detection on the Context Vector of the opposing pair (Pay attention & Don’t pay attention), shown below. A large difference in the neural activities of the two instructions is denoted by red and indicates that the ablation is effective, while the green shades indicate that there are similar in neural activities. The results show that the neural activities are consistently different across the sequence until the model starts generating next tokens and the context ends where the neural activities are similar.

A token-level LAT scan that compares the difference between the neural activities of the Context Vector of the opposing pair (Pay attention & Don't pay attention) on the `rotten_tomatoes` dataset.

Representation Control

To change an activation along some direction, we can imagine there are several canonical ways. First, given our Context Vector $v$ and an activation $a$, we can do one of the following.


\[a' = a + v\]


\[a' = a + \text{sign}(a \cdot v) v\]


\[a' = a - (a \cdot v) \cdot \frac{v}{||v||^2}\]

The first represents a constant perturbation so it supposedly transforms the representation to become more of a certain quality. The second amplifies the direction according to which side it is on, so it makes the representation more extreme. The third removes the quality from the representation by subtracting the projection.

We explore all these methods to control Mistral-7b-instruct. We do our experiments on the rotten_tomato, sick, hate_speech18, and glue-wnli in-context-learning datasets consisting of input-output pairings where outputs have two possible correct options – positive or negative contradiction or entailment, hate or noHate, and entailment or not_entailment (for sick, it originally contains a third option of neutral which we remove since our framework requires two classes).

Given learned representations with the same configuration as our representation reading, we construct a test set from the same dataset as training. The test set has $16$ examples, each with one demonstration followed by a question. We evaluate correctness by having the LLM generate $10$ tokens and checking if the correct answer is contained in the output and the incorrect answer is not contained in the output, without being sensitive to case. This ensures correct evaluation so that an answer of no_entailment does not evaluate as correct for having entailment inside of it if entailment is the right answer.

A hyperparameter which we denote $\alpha$ scales the size of $v$. If our Context Vector is $r$, sign value is $s$, then we have $v = \alpha \cdot r \cdot s$. We vary $\alpha \in { 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10}$, and also take the negative of $\alpha$, which we label as positive and negative respectively.

Results for Control with Addition

For rotten tomatoes, we see the expected performance gap of positive over negative, though positive does worse than no control. Moreover, we see in glue-wnli and sick, the negative control actually does better than positive control. In hate_speech18, we see the desired result.

Despite modifying the layers that we controlled, based upon observing the layers at which the Context Vectors had the most correlation to the trained concept, we cannot find a set of layers to control that works consistently across all four datasets, though we can find layers that work for one dataset.

The accuracy of the model on the `rotten_tomatoes` dataset with amplification or suppression of the Context Vector using Addition. The x-axis is the coefficient of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `sick` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Addition. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `hate_spe` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Addition.
The accuracy of the model on the `glue_wnli` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Addition.

Results for Control with Amplification

Note the result depends on the absolute value of $\alpha$ so the positive and negative graphs converge. The affect of amplification is quite smooth relative to addition in the sense that there is a consistent downward trend in performance for both amplification and suppression. This could be because amplification amplifies existing signals and this gets stronger as $\alpha$ increases.

The accuracy of the model on the `rotten_tomatoes` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Amplification. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `sick` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Amplification. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `hate_speech18` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Amplification. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `glue_wnli` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Amplification. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.

Results for Control with Projection

We can see that projection consistently decreases performance, which is expected as we can imagine projection as erasing the idea that the model needs to pay attention to these examples. Having positive or negative sign of $\alpha$ does not affect projection.

The accuracy of the model on the `rotten_tomatoes` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Projection. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `sick` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Projection. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `hate_speech18` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Projection. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `glue_wnli` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of the Context Vector using Projection. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.

Ablation Studies

A key question is whether the Context Vectors are truly special. Especially because much of our results do not work, we would like to assess the “noise level.” By sampling a random unit vector from $4096$-dimensional space, the hidden dimension of Mistral-7b-instruct, for each layer and using that for control, we get the following results.

If we take the negative of all the Context Vectors, the graphs for positive and negative $\alpha$’s would switch. The fact that in our random sample we see such a large gap in the Glue-wnli graph indicates that there is quite a lot of noise. Moreover, if we take the negative of our particular randomly sampled vector, we obtain a Context Vector for Glue-wnli that is extremely good at controlling in-context-learning. The large landscape of $4096$-dimensional space is an exciting mystery.

The accuracy of the model on the `rotten_tomatoes` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of a random vector using Addition. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `sick` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of a random vector using Addition. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `hate_speech18` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of a random vector using Addition. The x-axis is the alpha value, and the y-axis is the accuracy.
The accuracy of the model on the `glue_wnli` dataset with amplification (positive) or suppression (negative) of a random vector using Addition. The x-axis is the alpha value of amplification, and the y-axis is the accuracy.


While we understand our work is limited due to time and compute constraints and did not achieve the results we hoped for, we tried our best to explore this research direction of finding a Context Vector that corresponds to the in-context learning behaviors and experiments of using it to control model outputs.


If successful, this research direction could be a powerful tool to understand mechanistically why in-context learning emerges and potentially use model editing to achieve better State-of-the-Art results on LLMs in specific benchmark evaluation scenarios with model editing. Even with our current results that demonstrate more success in suppressing the Context Vector than amplifying it, i.e. suppressing such behaviors than boosting it, this can have implications on works that try to perform model unlearning and impact the robustness of LLMs.

Future Work

Through ablating with the random vector in the embedding space, it is unfortunate that controlling for the particular Context Vector we found is not particularly different from other vectors, despite it showing some promises on suppressing the results. We hope to run further ablation studies to confirm that suppressing the Context Vector is only suppressing the in-context learning behaviors of the specific behaviors and does not have other side effects.

Regarding our current setup of the contrasting prompts of telling the model to pay attention or not pay attention to the concept, we can further explore the space of contrasting prompts. Directly related to our work, we would also like to explore the other type of experiment setup in Zou et al. (2023); unlike the data pair setup where we ask the model to pay attention to the examples or ignore them, we can ask the model to “think hard about the context/structure of the question” and elicit neural activities that way.

We are also interested in exploring vectors that control step-by-step reasoning and in general, intelligence. The phrases “Let’s think step by step” or “Take a deep breath and work on this problem step-by-step” are powerful phrases that elicit chain-of-thought reasoning and improve model performance. Could we engineer activation transformations that improve these models’ performance even more than and without the need for prompting?